Natasha 'Tasha Marie' Cheatham

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Trauma, Triggers, and TikTok: 7 Tips for Protecting Your Peace in the Age of Access

Did you know that there’s an annual Global Day of Unplugging?

There’s a day of awareness or celebration for just about everything now. And yet, not too many excite me more than Unplug Day. Every year on March 1st, starting at sunset, people across the globe attend events or do nothing to mark this occasion.

In today’s Age of Access, we’ve grown accustomed to the instant gratification that comes with instant connection to the things we want. Even if that means we’re only able to observe them from a distance. The perpetual window shopping that is encouraged by social media ads and algorithms has only made the consumer’s thirst for more worse.

And I can’t forget to mention the bombardment of distressing, dehumanizing, and violent media/news that does its best to convince us that there’s no good left in the world.

I often wonder about the effects these things have on our minds’ ability to process information and conceptualize our reality. Is the prevalence of chronic dis-ease, mental illness, and substance use dependence in our society the result of too much access?

By now you may be wondering, “So, what can we do to protect our peace of mind?”

When I first discovered the Global Day of Unplugging, I knew I would join the movement and host a retreat of my own one day. Now that I have recovered from surgery, I am excited to begin that planning process.

In the meantime, enjoy these 7 tips and stay tuned to my Instagram, or join the Live Simply Academy community on Patreon, for updates on services and workshops designed to help you master inner peace in this chaotic world.

7 Tips for Protecting Your Peace

  1. Establish Boundaries and Set Rules for Engagement

  2. Let Go of Comparison and Perfectionism

  3. Limit Information and Sensory Overload

  4. Mind Your Business

  5. Practice and Apply Mindfulness Techniques

  6. Prioritize Rest

  7. Surround Yourself with Pleasure and Purpose

For the extended list with commentary, click here.

Links for further reading and reference:

The Body Keeps the Score

Google Search: Mindfulness Techniques

How Much Screen Time Is Too Much

Screen Time Impacts Quality of Life

Soul Technologies Meditations

Unplugging From the News Can Spare Your Mental Health

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I create content and share my life experiences to inspire others to tap into their power and turn their pain into purpose. As long as I am blessed to be alive, I will be a blessing to others. Support the work I do through MRCI.

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